Santulan Ayurveda Baby Massage Oil

As low as $11.14
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Santulan Ayurveda Baby Massage Oil: 100 ml, 200 ml

Helps to nourish body tissues, supports body development, strengthens the immune system, facilitates sound sleep.

Dosage Form: Oil

Size: 100 ml, 200 ml

Each ml contains (Qty. in mg or ml):
Brahmi, Shatavari, Gulab-Pushpa (Rose-petals), Manjishtha, Prasarini (Chandvel), Amla (Amalaki), Atibala, Anant-mool (Sariva/Upalsari), Behada (Bibhitak), Gokshur, Vala, Halad (Haridra), Kapurkachari (Shati), Nagakeshar, Jatamansi, Punarnava, Coconut oil, Milk (Kshir)

Legal Disclaimer: Product images are for illustrative purposes only. Images/packaging/ labels may vary from time to time due to the manufacturer's manufacturing batch and location changes. The product description is for information purposes only and may contain additional ingredients 
Brand Santulan Ayurveda
Type Baby Massage Oils